Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Christmas package has arrived......

Package from mom and dad Suttie arrived at 18:00 at Herald Language Institute. We considered ripping open the beast there, but we knew that some of the contents inside might offend some people.......So here i am at home, happy to see what's inside.

Reeces, pants that fit, candy dinosaurs and sweetish berries, pictures and letters from home. Oh, Christmas is so special.


Anonymous said...

How's the knitting? I wanna see a blog pic about you're genius ability to catch on so quickly Jennica!

Anonymous said...

MOm is sending some baby yarn for the blanket for your knitting project- with Hil and adrien (more presents to go with them if space allows for it!!)

love Keegs

Anonymous said...

Jamie you me and nathan gotta hook up for a games night while the ladies knit. We can do ps2 or Xbox either would be fun. Cant wait till you guys get back. Ps im seriously craving settlers.